About Jesusemoji

This site contains translations of Bible texts and traditional Christian prayers into emoji. Each chapter has an English text with emojis for each word. At the bottom is the same chapter with just the emojis. If you know the chapter well, try reading it without the English!

Bible in emoji

1 Peter 1

🪨🧔Peter’s #️⃣1️⃣first ✉️letter. 1️⃣. 🪨🧔Peter, ▫️an 📨apostle 🔹of 😇🧔🏽Jesus 🪔Christ, 👉to ▪the ✅chosen 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦ones 🟠who ⚛️are 🧬living ♒as 👾👾foreigners 📌in ▪the 💦dispersion 📌in 🌉🚩Pontus, 🍀🚩Galatia, 🪨🚩Cappadocia, 🤏🚩Asia, ➕and ⚫🚩Bithynia, ♋according 👉to ▪the ⏪🦉foreknowledge 🔹of 😇God ▪the 💫Father, 📌in 🔧💫sanctification 🔹of ▪the ✨Spirit, ♓that 🧡you 🤷may 🪖obey 😇🧔🏽Jesus 🪔Christ ➕and ⚛️be 💦sprinkled 🤝with ♂his 🩸blood: 💖grace…

John 3

⬅️For 😇God 💙so 🥰loved ▪the 🌎world, ♓that ♂he 🎁gave ♂his 1️⃣only 🐣born 👦son, ➡️that 🟠whoever 🕯️believes 📌in ♂him 👌should ⛔not ☠️perish, ➖but 🪝have ♾️eternal 🧬life.

John 2

😇🎁John. 📖Chapter 2️⃣2. ▪The #️⃣3️⃣third ☀️day, 🟥there ⚛️was ▫️a 💍wedding 📌in 🌾🏘️Cana 🔹of ⛵🚩Galilee. 😇🧔🏽Jesus’ 🚺mother ⚛️was 🟥there. 😇🧔🏽Jesus 🖇also ⚛️was 💌 invited, 🤝with ♂his 🎓🎓disciples, 👉to ▪the 💍wedding. 🟢When ▪the 🍷wine 🍂 ran ↗️out, 😇🧔🏽Jesus’ 🚺mother 💬said 👉to ♂him, 🔗they 🪝have ⛔no 🍷wine. 😇🧔🏽Jesus 💬said 👉to ♀her, 👩Woman, ⚪what 🔧does ⬜ that 🪝have 👉to…