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This site contains translations of Bible texts and traditional Christian prayers into emoji. Each chapter has an English text with emojis for each word. At the bottom is the same chapter with just the emojis. If you know the chapter well, try reading it without the English!

1 Peter 1

🪨🧔Peter’s #️⃣1️⃣first ✉️letter.


🪨🧔Peter, ▫️an 📨apostle 🔹of 😇🧔🏽Jesus 🪔Christ, 👉to ▪the ✅chosen 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦ones 🟠who ⚛️are 🧬living ♒as 👾👾foreigners 📌in ▪the 💦dispersion 📌in 🌉🚩Pontus, 🍀🚩Galatia, 🪨🚩Cappadocia, 🤏🚩Asia, ➕and ⚫🚩Bithynia,

♋according 👉to ▪the ⏪🦉foreknowledge 🔹of 😇God ▪the 💫Father, 📌in 🔧💫sanctification 🔹of ▪the ✨Spirit, ♓that 🧡you 🤷may 🪖obey 😇🧔🏽Jesus 🪔Christ ➕and ⚛️be 💦sprinkled 🤝with ♂his 🩸blood: 💖grace 👉to 🧡you ➕and 🕊️peace ⚛️be 🔢multiplied.

😌Blessed ⚛️be ▪the 😇God ➕and 💫Father 🔹of 🔶our ⚜️Lord 😇🧔🏽Jesus 🪔Christ, 🟠who ♋according 👉to ♂his 🔼great 🙇‍♂️mercy  ⬅️caused 🔶us 👉to ⚛️be 🐣born ♻️again 👉to ▫️a 🧬living 🌠hope 🔀through ▪the 🐣resurrection 🔹of 😇🧔🏽Jesus 🪔Christ 👈from ▪the ⚰️⚰️dead,

👉to ▫️an ⛔🪰incorruptible ➕and ⛔💩undefiled 📩💰inheritance ♓that ⛔doesn’t 🍂fade 🛫away, 🔒reserved 📌in 🌌heaven 💙for 🧡you,

🟠who 🔀by ▪the 🔋power 🔹of 😇God ⚛️are 💂‍♂️guarded 🔀through 🕯️faith 💙for ▫️a ⚓salvation ♨️ready 👉to ⚛️be 🎥revealed 📌in ▪the ⏭️last 🕰️time.

📌In 🤍this 🧡you 🔼greatly 😄rejoice, ➖though 💚now 📌for ▫️a 🤏little 🕰️while, 🚦if 👐need ⚛️be, 🧡you 🪝have ⚛️been 😢grieved 📌in 📊various 🧪trials,

♓that ▪the 📝proof 🔹of 🧡your 🕯️faith, ♓which ⚛️is ▶️more 💎precious ♊than 🥇gold ♓that ☠️perishes, 🖇️even ➖though 🤍it ⚛️is 🧪tested 🔀by 🔥fire, 🤷may ⚛️be 👁️‍🗨️found 👉to ⏭️result 📌in 🙌praise, 🌟glory, ➕and 🏆honour 📌at ▪the 🎥revelation 🔹of 😇🧔🏽Jesus 🪔Christ —

🟠whom, ⛔not 🪝having 🦉known, 🧡you 🥰love.

📌In ♂him, ➖though 💚now 🧡you ⛔don’t 👁️see ♂him, ➖yet 🕯️believing, 🧡you 😄rejoice 🔼greatly 🤝with 😄joy ♓that ⚛️is ⛔💬unspeakable ➕and 🌕full 🔹of 🌟glory,

📩receiving ▪the ⏭️result 🔹of 🧡your 🕯️faith, ▪the ⚓salvation 🔹of 🧡your ☸️☸️souls.

🔁Concerning 🤍this ⚓salvation, ▪the 😇📢📢prophets 🔍sought ➕and 🔍searched 💕diligently.

🔗They 😇📢prophesied 🔹of ▪the 💖grace ♓that 🤷would ↘️come 👉to 🧡you,

🔍searching 💙for 🟠who ↔️or ⚪what 📊kind 🔹of 🕰️time ▪the ✨Spirit 🔹of 🪔Christ ♓which ⚛️was 📌in 🔗them 👉pointed 👉to 🟢when ♂he ⏪💬predicted ▪the 😢😢sufferings 🔹of 🪔Christ ➕and ▪the 🌟🌟glories ♓that 🤷would ⏩follow 🔗them.

👉To 🔗them 🤍it ⚛️was 🎥revealed ♓that 🔗they 🧹served ⛔not ➿themselves, ➖but 🧡you, 📌in 🤍🤍these ⚪⚪things, ♓which 💚now 🪝have ⚛️been 📢announced 👉to 🧡you 🔀through 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦those 🟠who 😇💬preached ▪the 👍good 📰news 👉to 🧡you 🔀by ▪the 💫Holy ✨Spirit 📨sent ↗️out 👈from 🌌heaven; ♓which ⚪⚪things 👼👼angels 💕desire 👉to 👀look 👉into.

➡️Therefore ♨️prepare 🧡your 💭minds 💙for ⚔️action.

⚛️Be 😌sober, ➕and 🔻set 🧡your 🌠hope 🌕fully 🔻on ▪the 💖grace ♓that ⏳will ⚛️be 🚚brought 👉to 🧡you 📌at ▪the 🎥revelation 🔹of 😇🧔🏽Jesus 🪔Christ—

♒as 👶👶children 🔹of 🪖obedience, ⛔not ♒conforming ➿yourselves ♋according 👉to 🧡your 🍂former 😍😍lusts ♒as 📌in 🧡your ⛔🦉ignorance,

➖but ♋just ♒as ♂he 🟠who 🤙called 🧡you ⚛️is 💫holy, 🧡you ➿yourselves 🖇also ⚛️be 💫holy 📌in 🌐all 🔹of 🧡your 🎭behaviour,

⬅️because 🤍it ⚛️is ✍️written, “🧡you ⏳shall ⚛️be 💫holy, ⬅️for 🔸I ⚛️am 💫holy.”

🚦If 🧡you 🤙call 🔻on ♂him ♒as 💫father, 🟠who ⛔without 🏆respect 🔹of 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦persons ⚖️judges ♋according 👉to 1️⃣each 🧔man’s 🛠️work, 🛠️pass ▪the 🕰️time 🔹of 🧡your 🧬living ♒as 👾👾foreigners ❤️here 📌in 🏆reverent 😱fear,

🦉knowing ♓that 🧡you ⚛️were 💱redeemed, ⛔not 🤝with 🪰corruptible ⚪⚪things ♒like 🥈silver ↔️or 🥇gold, 👈from ▪the ⛔🛠️useless 🛣️way 🔹of 🧬life 🎁handed 👇down 👈from 🧡your 🚹🚹fathers,

➖but 🤝with 💎precious 🩸blood, ♒as 🔹of ▫️a 🐏lamb ⛔without 🪰blemish ↔️or 🍪spot, ▪the 🩸blood 🔹of 🪔Christ,

🟠who ⚛️was ⏪🦉foreknown ✔️indeed ⏪before ▪the 🎬foundation 🔹of ▪the 🌎world, ➖but ⚛️was 🎥revealed 📌in 🤍this ⏭️last 🕰️age 💙for 🧡your 💙sake,

🟠who 🔀through ♂him ⚛️are 🕯️👨‍👩‍👦‍👦believers 📌in 😇God, 🟠who ⤴️raised ♂him 👈from ▪the ⚰️⚰️dead ➕and 🎁gave ♂him 🌟glory, ➡️so ➡️that 🧡your 🕯️faith ➕and 🌠hope 🤷‍♂️might ⚛️be 📌in 😇God.

👁️Seeing 🧡you 🪝have purified 🧡your ☸️☸️souls 📌in 🧡your obedience 👉to ▪the 🎯truth 🔀through ▪the ✨Spirit 📌in sincere 👬brotherly 🥰affection, 🥰love 1️⃣one ✌️another 👈from ▪the 🫀heart 💕fervently,

🪝having ⚛️been 🐣born ♻️again, ⛔not 🔹of 🪰corruptible 🌱seed, ➖but 🔹of ⛔🪰incorruptible, 🔀through ▪the 📝word 🔹of 😇God, ♓which 🧬lives ➕and ⏹️remains 👉♾️forever.

💙For, “🌐all 🍖flesh ⚛️is ♒like 🌾grass, ➕and ⬜all 🔹of 🧔man’s 🌟glory ♒like ▪the 🌻flower 📌in ▪the 🌾grass. ▪The 🌾grass 🍂withers, ➕and its 🌻flower 🍂falls;

➖but ▪the ⚜️Lord’s 📝word ⏹️endures 👉♾️forever.”

🤍This ⚛️is ▪the 📝word 🔹of 👍good 📰news ♓which ⚛️was 😇💬preached 👉to 🧡you.

































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