About Jesusemoji

This site contains translations of Bible texts and traditional Christian prayers into emoji. Each chapter has an English text with emojis for each word. At the bottom is the same chapter with just the emojis. If you know the chapter well, try reading it without the English!

John 2


📖Chapter 2️⃣2.

▪The #️⃣3️⃣third ☀️day, 🟥there ⚛️was ▫️a 💍wedding 📌in 🌾🏘️Cana 🔹of ⛵🚩Galilee.

😇🧔🏽Jesus’ 🚺mother ⚛️was 🟥there.

😇🧔🏽Jesus 🖇also ⚛️was 💌 invited, 🤝with ♂his 🎓🎓disciples, 👉to ▪the 💍wedding.

🟢When ▪the 🍷wine 🍂 ran ↗️out, 😇🧔🏽Jesus’ 🚺mother 💬said 👉to ♂him,

🔗they 🪝have ⛔no 🍷wine.

😇🧔🏽Jesus 💬said 👉to ♀her,

👩Woman, ⚪what 🔧does ⬜ that 🪝have 👉to 🔧do 🤝with 🧡you ➕and 🔸me?

🔸My ⏱️hour 🪝has ⛔not ➖yet ↘️come.

♂His 🚺mother 💬said 👉to ▪the 🧹🧹servants,

⚪Whatever ♂he 💬says 👉to 🧡you, 🔧do 🤍it.

💚Now 🟥there ⚛️were 6️⃣ six 💧water 🏺 🏺 pots 🔹of stone 🔻set 🟥there ⏩after ▪the ✡️👨‍👩‍👦‍👦Jews’ 🛣️way 🔹of 🚿 purifying, 👜 containing 2️⃣two ↔️or 3️⃣three 🪣metretes 🧩apiece.

😇🧔🏽Jesus 💬said 👉to 🔗them,

🌕Fill ▪the 💧water 🏺 🏺 pots 🤝with 💧water.

➡️So 🔗they 🌕filled 🔗them 👆up 👉to ▪the ⬆️brim.

♂He 💬said 👉to 🔗them,

💚Now 🧲draw 🔽some ↗️out, ➕and ✊take 🤍it 👉to ▪the 🎩ruler 🔹of ▪the 🎉feast.

➡️So 🔗they ✊took 🤍it.

🟢When ▪the 🎩ruler 🔹of ▪the 🎉feast 😋tasted ▪the 💧water 💚now ➰become 🍷wine, ➕and 🔧⛔didn’t 🦉know 🔴where 🤍it ↘️came 👈from (➖but ▪the 🧹🧹servants 🟠who 🪝had 🧲drawn ▪the 💧water 🦉knew), ▪the 🎩ruler 🔹of ▪the 🎉feast 🏷️called ▪the 🤵bridegroom ➕and 💬said 👉to ♂him,

🟧Everyone 🧹serves ▪the 👍good 🍷wine #️⃣1️⃣first, ➕and 🟢when ▪the 💌💌 guests 🪝have 🥛 drunk ▶️ freely, 🟩then ⬜ that ♓which ⚛️is 👎👎worse.

🧡You 🪝have 🔒kept ▪the 👍good 🍷wine ⏭️until 💚now!

🤍This 🎬beginning 🔹of ♂his 🪧🪧signs 😇🧔🏽Jesus ✅did 📌in 🌾🏘️Cana 🔹of ⛵🚩Galilee, ➕and 📽️revealed ♂his 🌟glory; ➕and ♂his 🎓🎓disciples 🕯️believed 📌in ♂him.

⏩After 🤍this, ♂he 👣went 👇down 👉to 🤗🏘️Capernaum, ♂he, ➕and ♂his 🚺mother, ♂his 👬brothers, ➕and ♂his 🎓🎓disciples; ➕and 🔗they ⏹️stayed 🟥there ▫️a 🔢 few ☀️☀️days.

▪The ✡️🎉Passover 🔹of ▪the ✡️ 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦Jews ⚛️was 📌at ✋hand, ➕and 😇🧔🏽Jesus 👣went 👆up 👉to ✡️🏙️Jerusalem.

♂He 👁️‍🗨️found 📌in ▪the 🕍temple 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦those 🟠who 💰sold 🐃🐃 oxen, 🐑🐑sheep, ➕and 🕊️🕊️ doves, ➕and ▪the 💱changers 🔹of 💰money 🪑sitting.

♂He 🔧made ▫️a 🦯whip 🔹of cords ➕and 🦯drove ⬜all ↗️out 🔹of ▪the 🕍temple, 🧦both ▪the 🐑sheep ➕and ▪the 🐃🐃 oxen; ➕and ♂he 🚰poured ↗️out ▪the 💱changers’ 💰money ➕and ⤵️overthrew 🔗their 🏦🏦tables.

👉To 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦those 🟠who 💰sold ▪the 🕊️🕊️ doves, ♂he 💬said,

✊Take 🤍🤍these ⚪⚪things ↗️out 🔹of ❤️here!

🚫Don’t 🔧make 🔸my 🚹father’s 🏠house ▫️a 🛒marketplace!

♂His 🎓🎓disciples 🎗️remembered ♓that 🤍it ⚛️was ✍️written,

💕Zeal 💙for 🧡your 🏠house ⏳will 🍴eat 🔸me 👆up.

▪Tthe ✡️👨‍👩‍👦‍👦Jews ➡️therefore ↩️answered ♂him,

⚪What 🪧sign 🔧do 🧡you 📽️show 🔶us, 👁️seeing ♓that 🧡you 🔧do 🤍🤍these ⚪⚪things?

😇🧔🏽Jesus ↩️answered 🔗them,

💥Destroy 🤍this 🕍temple, ➕and 📌in 3️⃣three ☀️☀️days 🔸I ⏳will ⤴️raise 🤍it 👆up.

▪The ✡️👨‍👩‍👦‍👦Jews ➡️therefore 💬said,

🤍It ✊took 4️⃣6️⃣forty-six  🗓️🗓️years 👉to 🏗️build 🤍this 🕍temple!

⏳Will 🧡you ⤴️raise 🤍it 👆up 📌in 3️⃣three ☀️☀️days?

➖But ♂he 🗣️spoke 🔹of ▪the 🕍temple 🔹of ♂his 🍖🩸body.

🟢When ➡️therefore ♂he ⚛️was ⤴️raised 👈from ▪the 🪦dead, ♂his 🎓🎓disciples 🎗️remembered ♓that ♂he 💬said 🤍this, ➕and 🔗they 🕯️believed ▪the 📚scripture ➕and ▪the 📝word ♓which 😇🧔🏽Jesus 🪝had 💬said.

💚Now 🟢when ♂he ⚛️was 📌in ✡️🏙️Jerusalem 📌at ▪the ✡️🎉Passover, ⭕during ▪the 🎉feast, 🔢many 🕯️believed 📌in ♂his 🏷️name, 👀observing ♂his 🪧🪧signs ♓which ♂he ✅did.

➖But 😇🧔🏽Jesus 🔧⛔didn’t 🤲entrust ➿himself 👉to 🔗them, ⬅️because ♂he 🦉knew 🟧everyone, ➕and ⬅️because ♂he 🔧⛔didn’t 🧷need 💙for 🏵️anyone 👉to 📜testify 🔁concerning 🧔man; 💙for ♂he ➿himself 🦉knew ⚪what ⚛️was 📌in 🧔man.













































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